Tuesday, December 29, 2009

We have walls and windows

Things are moving along! Robin talked to the people we are getting the house from and they are talking next week for delivery.
His house in Novi maybe closing in the next week or so things are moving right along.
I don't think it had really sunk in that we were really were getting a house until I saw the actual physical walls. Now it is real and with the Realtor calling today to talk about closing it is starting to feel real. Now I panic! what colors? How can we afford this? Who is going to keep it clean!
I am even starting to fret about where to put he cat litter box. I have surgery in a couple of weeks How am I going to pack and move?? What kind of pant to use....oh my so much to worry about. I am going to love it!

We have windows!

We actually can see windows! They will be delivering the house on Wed. Jan 6th. but they won't be able to set it until three more weeks when the cement sets. With the winter weather it takes a extra week.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Money coming out of the ears

It is a good thing that Robin has money growing out the ears. I just wrote two checks to the contractors this morning and feel very poor. Gee that is a lot of money! You don't realize how much all these little extras cost until you start writing checks.
This photo actually was taken up north last fall when we took Kenny above the bridge when he visited us. He rather looks like he is sleeping. We were pulled over by Lake Michigan so at least he was not driving. He looks so peaceful and innocent if we only knew his thoughts..;)

A New Year and New Blessings

Well we made it through another Christmas even if most of the family is upset because we didn't go here or there. It was nice to to spend some quiet time alone with no place to rush off to or things that has to be done right now this second.
We had a ice storm Christmas Eve and Robin didn't want to drive on the roads to Grand Rapids not knowing what it would be like later. Mother was in one of her moods so it was the simplest thing to do. Barb is upset with us but she will get over it. Connie and Dan came up Christmas day that was nice I made a big pot of Chili and we just watched movies and relaxed. Robin didn't feel like driving to Novi so we did not join his kids this year. I hope they aren't to upset but they have to realize that drive tires their Dad out and he needs to be here with the work going on with the house.
The walls are poured, easement windows are in and it is looking like it may happen soon. Probably right about the same time as my surgery. Fun, fun talk about great timing.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It finally has started

Yesterday they started digging for the house and by evening they were were working on getting the cement stuff set up. I can't believe it finally has started now that I see them digging I am beginning to believe that it really will happen. Robin has done it! He has given me one of the best gifts he could a home. I am really getting excited about this and he is also. He has put so much work into permits and dealing with all the red tape. The house should be set by mid to early January so it is getting there. Here is a photo of Robin posing in his new "man cave" with Blackie. Ok I can't get the darn photos to line up or go where I want them to but I wanted to share photos of the beginning.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas shopping

It is getting there! I love Christmas Grandma died on the 23rd so there were a few years I didn't really care for Christmas but then I remembered how she loved Christmas and made it such a magical time for me.
Robin and I went to Big Rapids last night and I was telling him about Christmas when I was little and it got me remembering how I loved the family all getting together. Heaven only knows how we all fit in that house. I miss the family thing as I get older it means more to me.
Saturday we went Christmas shopping at the mall in Grand Rapids (took Mother) I love the hustle and bustle and craziness of it all. As long as I was under no pressure to find something. Sometimes I miss living in Grand Rapids and this is one of those times. I miss my big Victorian tree and all my ornaments its weird I know but things like that means a lot to me. Preserving the past and all those warm fuzzy memories it helps you to forget the when the times weren't so good.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Let it snow!

It is beautiful out! I love this snow even if my car likes to slide around a little to much for my comfort. I took Robin's Jeep this morning much better! Coming to work it took me about a hour usually about 17 minutes. Going home last night I did well until I pulled into the resort and got myself into a snow bank.   I think it was the plow job and not my driving  that got me there. Robin finally answered his phone and came and got me by puling me out I swear  I thought I was going to get whiplash he jerked it so hard but he got me out.
It wasn't what I needed after Mother and Uncle Keith argued all day on who I had gotten the melting salt for, ever hear of sharing??? So after work I went to get a second bag just to keep the kids peaceful.  I love the snow. Why can't we just enjoy it not have to work and get along peacefully?

Friday, November 27, 2009

Be Thankful

Be Thankful
Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don't know something,for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations,because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge,because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you're tired and weary,because it means you've made a difference.
It's easy to be thankful for the good things.A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,and they can become your blessings.

Thanksgiving a day of thanks

Thanksgiving a day we set aside to eat to much, give family members a hard time and tease them and then a big hug. I always have looked at the day as a reminder to take journey through the past year mentally and feel blessed.

My Sisters Barb and Connie, brother in law Joses and brother Dan came to our house along with Mom and Uncle Keith. It was a great meal but mostly it was nice being with my family. I really miss the days when we would have big family picnics and holidays with the cousins and whole family. I plan on trying it again this summer when we are settled in the new place brothers, sister cousin from both sides plus a few friends that are like family.

I do feel bad I didn't get down to Robins folks house I had ours latter because I thought his would be earlier but they were late also so we over lapped. Robin did get to go down so that was good. I didn't so I will spend some time down there this weekend. Of course none of them came down to see us either, that road goes both ways. I felt bad for Robin kinda of like we were setting up two camps. This is going to end with the new house my goal is to get the two families together so we can merge holidays , family dinners etc. together it will be easier on us.

So this Thanksgiving sit back quietly and remember how blessed we are. We often over look our daily blessings. We need to take time out of our busy schedules to sit quietly to take a long walk by our self and just think how blessed we have been in our lives. We all have had our struggles but in the end we survive. We need to learn from these trials but take a lesson from them and move on.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Robin's officially not full of it anymore

Robin had his colonoscopy yesterday in the morning and I had a appt. with my foot doctor. It was a crazy day running from appointment to appointment but we made it!
Robin had two polyps removed but doctor said they looked OK. They are being sent in to be checked but Dr. said they looked OK and he wasn't concerned. But he does need to have it done again in three years. It was weird with Robin being the one ever since we have been together it always had been me as the patient. He kept asking the nurses if they come here often then falling back to sleep. He kept asking everyone for a cup of coffee and telling that two nurses took him in the back and had their way with him. It was better than it could of been you never know what he is going to say.
I went to Dr. Maskill he did x rays of my foot and scheduled me for Feb. 2 for surgery on my left Achilles tendon. Ouch! I hate the thought but if it helps with the pain it will be worth it. With my fibromyalgia acting up I am hurting right now so bad surgery can't be much worse. I just hate the thought of being off my foot so long. This happened in Feb. 2009 and surgery will be Feb 2010 one year of hell with this foot and ankle so maybe it will done then.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What a interesting day

The day started out by Linda showing me a article about eco friendly wool and cotton coffins. Now I just recieved a email that makes a good point " It is hard to understand how a cemetery raised its burial rates and blamed it on the cost of living".
Well at least it is all job related:)

Monday, November 16, 2009


What is this? Last week our furnace went out and Robin finally got it working after working until the middle of the night. Now This weekend Mom's quit on her so she didn't have heat other than her space heater. I hope this isn't a omen of what winter is going to be like.

Uncle Bill called Aunt June is having some medical problems so she is in our thoughts and prayers. He sure lucked out to get such a great lady I really think the world of her.

I had all these great plans for this past weekend and had no time to accomplish any of them. I really wanted to get some weaving done but alas no luck at that either. I did sit down and watch "12 Angry Men" with Henry Fonda Saturday night with Robin. I love that movie no great props or special effects just great actors, story lines and lighting. One of the all time best movies that I often forget about until I watch again.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

One week closer to being in our new house

Robin has worked on getting our permits for our house and things are moving along. I am impatient because I want to be in it NOW but it will happen soon. We are hoping for Christmas.

Last night our furnace quit so I learned to appreciate a good furnace now I am happy Robin is studying them before he decides which one to put in. Burr it was cold, I was worried about my plants I finally have my african violets and banana trees going good again after they got a chill in my kitchen window and started to turn a funky color.

Monday, November 2, 2009

burrrr its cold outside

Snow is in the forecast! I love the snow but I really don't like the cold. I have Reynolds syndrome my hands. feet, nose and ears are all turning white and hurts like the living devil. I have always loved the winter especially Christmas but now with the pain of this and the fybromyalgia I dread it. I am so tired of living in this constant pain. I try not to talk about it but it hurts so damn bad! It hurts to stay in bed it hurts to move and the medication they give me just makes me jumpy and irritable. I have problems driving with my hands going numb, it is difficult to drive and not feel the pedals on the car or if you do feel them it hurts to use them. Getting to work not being able to put the key in the lock due to numb fingers then typing with fingers, hands and wrists that hurt like living hell just makes me dread winter this year. Robin trys to understand but I know he has no clue the levels of pain I have. But you just have to learn to live with and try not let it beat you.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What a day!

After a nice dinner with Ange, Greg, Pavia and Robin I came back to work and received a phone call that The kids were in a accident. Robin said the car was mushed up pretty bad but the kids were OK. Ange had bumped her head and was hurting in her neck so the paramedic thought should go to the hospital. They said she had a concussion but Pavia was OK Thank God! The car had hit them on the side the car seat was on. It only takes a minute to happen I am so grateful they had Pavia in a car seat and their seat belts were on. It could of been a lot worse.
I know that I am only the step Mom but boy that kind of call can make your heart drop so fast. I guess Robin was right when he said I was marrying a family, I did and somehow along the way I have started worrying about them and fretting about them and feeling very protective. Robin just steps back and smiles when I do and say see I told you....

Monday, October 26, 2009

Weaving Class

I did it! I took my weaving class and loved it Mary who taught it was great and I have a beautiful new scarf. I am already starting on new projects. I think I many really like this the hardest part is tying it all on the loom and getting started but it gets easier each time.
Greg and Angie and Pavia are all here safe and sound. I just wish they could stay longer. With working I feel like I won't get to see them very much. I am working extra hours today since Phyllis called in so maybe I can sneak out early Wed. Now if only if it would quit raining so the contractor could get started.

Friday, October 23, 2009


I so happy come Monday Pavia will be here with her Mommy and Daddy. It seem like it has been so long since we have seen them.

Flu shots

After a long wait in line at Rite aid for Mom we took her out of the line to go to lunch. They were lined up to the back of the store and moving very slowly. After lunch she and Robin got their shots with very little wait. Robin called me and had me quickly run down and get one so all three of us have received our shots. It was strange when I got in line the girl taking the info and the nurse both remembered my husband, I wonder what strange and wonderful stories he told to entertain them? Mother and Robin have no mark and said it didn't hurt. Mine hurt like heck and my arm is black and blue and sore! It isn't fair!!
I was afraid not to get them but we didn't get the H1N1 yet. I cannot remember so many schools and businesses closing due to any illness this year. Good heavens they are even closing libraries and they never do that. I have sanitizer by each computer in the history room hopefully people use it and stay home if they are sick. I am also spraying with Lysol when I leave at night (I hate the smell).

Thursday, October 22, 2009

New House

OK it is official Robin and I bought a new home and can't wait until we are in it. I sometimes have to pinch myself to believe I am so lucky to have such a great life! I am truly blessed. A great husband and now this beautiful home. I can't wait until we get busy painting and moving in but it has some things we have to do first like getting the heating hooked up and running water.... Add Image

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Linda strikes again

OK Linda has us doing a blog together for genealogy. It will be fun I think, how does she get me to do these things?????
It is called the Cemetery Divas and it is our adventures, lessons and experiences doing genealogy. It should be fun.
What else can she possibly get me mixed up with??? I am afraid to ask


Linda is a bad influence on me I think. I am now taking a weaving class it will be private and start at 9 A.M. and go until 5 P.M. on my day off what am I thinking! I hope I can figure it out and not make a complete *** of myself. I am now noticing yarn shops and reading about the different fibers. I even caught myself looking at spinning wheels again. This is not good!!

time flys

I have been busy doing nothing and lost track of time. Every time I think of putting something on my blog I get side tracked.
We have been up to Mackinaw Island twice in the last month once just Robin and I to see the semi's and old tractors go across the bridge that was nice and a much needed vacation with my husband. Last weekend we took Kenny up for a quick vacation when he was here visiting us for two weeks.
Sunday I took Mom to Traverse City for the day just to get away and let her see some of the beautiful fall colors.
This work thing gets in the way but I love taking these short little road trips.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

House in Novi

Well we thought it was sold. We were on our way to Novi to do the final clean out and got a message saying every thing was on track and a half hour latter saying the guy pulled from the deal. We still cleaned it out I took the jeep and trailer home Sunday and Robin rented a truck and with Dick's and Kenny's help got the most of the last few things out of there. The Julie the lady selling it for us called and has a new offer but for less we aren't sure the bank will take it or not. I sure hope so. I do feel it will sell now though since we are ready to move on. I wish we could afford to keep it for Kenny to live there but it is just to costly. It is a white elephant or money pit what ever you want to call it. It needs to much work on it to make it worth our keeping it.

September 13, 1909

September 13th would of been my Grandma's 100th birthday. It was strange but the day was really hard for me I still miss her so much. I can't tell you how many times I catch myself thinking that I need to tell Grandma something, or hearing myself talk or doing something that reminds me of her. Older I get the more I am like her. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of her and the impact that she has had on my life and I still feel the love that we shared. She was my teacher, mentor and best friend. She wasn't always a easy woman I know but for me she was the world.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Great News!!!!

It looks like Robins house in Novi finally sold!!
It will be such a burden off his shoulders. He loved that house but it was taking so much money to keep it insured, taxes and payments. I am happy for him he is happy and you can see the pressure of it lift from him.

Looms and weaving

My husband bought me a beautiful loom now I just need to learn to use it. It has all kinds of attachment to it and things that go with it so I am excited about getting it started. I am trying to wait until I take a class in October but I may not be able wait that long. I will add a photo of it but it is still wrapped up and not fullly assembled.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Betty's open house

Finally its over!! I can't believe how much work went into the whole weekend it started out so simple but I did good and didn't panic until the weekend when people started cancelling. The Family part Saturday was cold and rainy and about 30 less people than I planned on. But Sunday and the open house went great and people she hasn't seen in years since she left the school were there. So all in all it went great. Thank God I had Robin he was my rock.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Good news and bad news

My jewelry was found I had put it in one of those safe places that is even safe from you. Fred came home for a couple of days acted tired and went away not to return. I miss him he was a nice cat I have always liked a yellow tiger cat must stem from the fact that Grandma always liked them.
Mom's open house is going well but I still don't have a clue to how many will be there. I guess I will just be prepared.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

oh my gosh I screwed up!!

I made a oopsy I didn't realize when you post a event on classmates.com they sent out invites to everyone I thought they just posted it. This morning I had rsvp's for Moms open house and letters, my mailbox was full. Everyone from the class of 1919 to 2914 got a invite 1652 people I think it said at first count. We could end up with 100's of people or none. How do I plan this now??
I had to tell her since people are also sending her messages including apologies for they fact they can"t attend. It will be interesting!
Still no sign of my jewelry or cat maybe Fred is at a pawn shop selling them. You never can fully trust a cat and you can tell Fred is fickle by the way she keeps leaving us and returning when ever she feels like it.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A busy weekend

Saturday we went to the Zeller family reunion. That would be Robins Grandmothers name on his fathers side. We took my Mother and had a nice day. Sunday we went to Robins Aunt's memorial so we stayed down in the Detroit area. It was nice it gave Mom a chance to get out and see Robins house before we sell it (hopefully). We got home late and now it seem I just can't get caught up with my sleep. I am just dragging this week.
Fred the cat is missing again she must have someone feeding her. Last time she did this I walked the woods calling her and worried myself sick. This time I am not putting myself through that well maybe not to that extent anyway.
I also can't find my diamond earrings and necklace Robin gave me. Now that I am worrying myself sick about. I had them on vacation but what did I do with them when we got home??
Someday I have to get my act together!!
Ad for the paper on Mothers open house was put together today and goes out tomorrow.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Update on Betty Lou's party

I have been talking to some of her former teachers and students and have decided to do a open house for her 1 to 3 on Sunday Aug. 30th. and then a family picnic (bring a dish to pass) afterwards. Pass the word. When it gets closer I plan on putting a notice in Fremont Paper so I will be asking for volunteers to do sheets cakes. For the open house I will have a punch, cake and ice cream. Yes I do plan on decorating the pavillion where it is being held I am thinking shades of lavender and purples and white.

Warped friends

Linda just came in and told me about the "testicle festival" ouch poor little creatures. It is important to spay your animals and it is a catchy name so hopefully they have a huge success. I do worry about Linda though after all she is the one fascinated with Duke the Bull.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The proud Grandpa

Can you tell that Grandpa is totally wrapped around this little babies finger? This is one little girl who Grandma and Grandpa will be happy to spoil. She is so beautiful did I mention that yet???


First day back to work after a wonderful and relaxing vacation. Forth of July watching the fireworks in Boston and then off to Maine with my Sweetie, Ange and Greg, Pavia and Rick. I can't believe how big Pavia has gotten in just a few short weeks she is already over 10 pounds. She is a great little traveler.
Maine was beautiful with Sunrises and sunsets over the ocean, rocky cliffs and lighthouses. I love it there. Coming back to work was so hard! My only disappointment was I didn't see any moose or bear and visit any cemeteries, maybe next time.
Went to doctor yesterday and my foot is coming along good but I have another 4 to 6 weeks of therapy to build up my strength yuck! the massage is wonderful but the other parts still are painful.

The photo is the group of us in Boston at the Oyster House Restaurant the oldest restaurant in America. The lobster was wonderful! The other photo is all of us at Acadia National Park it was rainy but beautiful!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Betty Lou's 80th Birthday

Mom turns 80 on September 1st so on August 30th a Sunday I will be having a family picnic and a open house for her at the resort. I am trying not to tell her until closer to the time or she will start fussing. I am putting notices out for her former kids at school to send her a card or note wishing her well. I am keeping it simple so hopefully I won't get to stressed out with it. Pass the word on to family and friends please.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Family weekend for Fathers Day

The Peavey family all came this weekend to see Ange, Greg and Pavia. It was so nice to see them and the two boys were able to make it also so Robin had his three kids here for Fathers Day. He doesn't show it but things like that mean alot to him. He hides his emotions and feelings well.

It was great seeing the kids and little Pavia is more beautiful every time I see her. Ange and Greg brought her to work so I could show her off (which I did proudly).

We are heading for Maine with the kids next week, I am looking forward to that.
On the 7th Robin and I celebrate our anniversary and on the 11th I will turn 51. It will be a busy week but fun. I love to travel and have new adventures so it will be enjoyable and turning a year older will be easier.

Naked Llamas

The llamas finally got sheared and are now naked. They look so much better and seem to able to handle the heat better. We got some nice fleece from them so maybe now we can maintain their coats better. No one got hurt but Robin and I both had sore muscles from it the next day. The guy who came to do it said that Meeko was one of the worse acting ones he had done all year. Matilda who I thought would be the worse acting did great once they caught her and got the harness on her. The groomer raises alpacas and thinks she is pregnant also. So will be looking forward to a baby sometime in December.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tractor Show and my furry babies

Well we made it through another antique tractor club show, it was much bigger this year and I actually had a good time. Sheba and Sophie were stars of the show with their John Deere hats and leashes. Sheba thinks the whole thing was for her. Sophie wasn't afraid of the tractors like I feared and seemed to enjoy looking around. They did really well in the motor home as did their Grandma (Betty Lou) who stayed with us for two nights.
Work is still the pits and therapy still hurts more than anything but hopefully it is helping. They extended my time so I get to go longer since my knee is missed up also.
Robin lost a uncle and a aunt last week it has been hard on him. I wish I could go to the funerals with him but the way things are at work I don't dare take the time off.
But it is just about time to go home. Robin has gone to Detroit for Aunt Ruby's funeral and patch his roof and mow the lawn at his house on 11 mile so I am going to curl up and watch some tv and do nothing but relax.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Life and old friends

Life has been busy with everyone getting ready for the tractor show this weekend. Sheba and Sophie have their John Deere hats and leashes ready and are staying over there with us all weekend, this should be interesting. Sophie is afraid of her shadow so I am sure the tractors will terrify her. She did chase three deer last weekend so maybe she is getting braver.
I just wrote a email to a friend I haven't talked to since High school what a weird feeling to write to someone you haven't spoke to in 30 years. I wasn't even sure what to say. And to think I use to tell her my every thought. We were best friends in high school and then life happened and we moved out seperate ways. Friends are so important I don't know why we allow ourselves to do that but we grow and change and outgrow people or put them off saying I will call or write tomorrow unfortuntly tomorrow gets to busy to and then it is just to easy not to do it. Shame on us!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

so many things to get done and no energy or time to do it

I have so many chores to get done that has been put off due to this darn ankle. It always has bugged me to go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink but since Feb. I have been doing it more and more all the time. Poor Robin has been so good and patient with me. I thank my lucky stars everyday that I found such a great guy.

How long is this foot going to hurt? Physical therapy yesterday caused it to swell up and throb, I am not looking forward to returning today. Maybe if they hurt it enough it will start to feeling better.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Llamas and Robin

We have to get our Lamas sheared soon I am worried how they are going to do it. Meeko the male is very protective of Matilda the female. Robin seems to have a bond with Meeko so I am hoping they can do it when I am at work and Robin won't get hurt. He sometimes does more than he should not knowing his limits (Robin that is). Meeko does seem to have some respect for Robin. More than he does for me anyway, he just tries to push me down and show me who is boss. They both are beautiful animals but sometimes I worry they are to much for us to handle.

I miss Linda!!

What a day! First full day back without Linda my co worker gee I do miss her. I never realized how much work we put out in this room until I started listing what we have accomplished this year. We work well together and I consider her one of my best friends. I pray funding comes through quickly to get her back.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Duke the wonder bull and the co worker

Yes the last blog entry does show you never leave someone else to log you off. Even a trusted co worker who has a fascination with that photo of "Duke the wonder bull".....She is such a warped person. I am so thankful none of her strangness has rubbed off on me. I am going to miss her when she is gone (if). I am not done fighting yet, it is just so darn hard to when the boss man isn't here at work.

Friday, May 22, 2009

How Careless

You know, I really should watch my co-worker more carefully. (You know, the totally indispensable one who is being let go.) Here I go expecting her to log me off, and instead she mucks up my blog.
Well, that's what I get for turning my back on the little twerp.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Uncle Bill

It was nice this weekend to have my Uncle Bill and Aunt June visit. I miss seeing them more. When I was little my "Uncle Bull" walked on water I thought he was the greatest thing ever. There have been times in our life when we haven't always been able to see each other but as I am getting older I realize how special family is and how vital it is we keep them close. Life is to short. It is funny when I look back pictures from when I was little I was usually being held by Uncle Bill or close by him. If not him I usually was near or being held by Grandma or Grandpa. Grandma was my mentor, best friend and teacher a part of me (or should I say I was part of her) but Uncle Bill was my hero.

A new Grandaughter

It is strange how the birth of such a small little thing can change your whole out look on life. Pavia Mae was born 2 May 2009 at 3:41 pm she weighed 6 pounds and is absolutely perfect. I know her Grandma and Grandpa had their world rocked by this small arrival. The parents are doing great and took to being new parents like pros. I know I am only the step mother (grandmother) but I could not be any prouder of all of them. It is weird I am now thinking as we look at new houses if things are child proof if this or that is child safe. Things I have never thought of before. I am now thinking of things like are we making healthy choices so we both will be around to dance at her wedding, things we never considered before. I guess this just goes to show you the greatest gifts sometimes comes in small packages.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Picket Fences

Where is the post? It seems to have disappeared!
Alas, such are the trials of a newbie blogger.
I must try again.

Life is Good

Life is good.

We are blessed everyday in ways we don't even think about we take so much for granted not always appreciating what we have. My goal for this year is to try to stop look around and listen and be more aware of the wealth in my life. I am so blessed, be it friends, family a husband that I adore or the love a pet. It can be as simple as the peace you find in sitting in the woods by a creek or stream our blessing are all around us everyday we just need to slow down, stop and look

(Thank God for the worlds most efficient co-worker,)