Wednesday, September 16, 2009

House in Novi

Well we thought it was sold. We were on our way to Novi to do the final clean out and got a message saying every thing was on track and a half hour latter saying the guy pulled from the deal. We still cleaned it out I took the jeep and trailer home Sunday and Robin rented a truck and with Dick's and Kenny's help got the most of the last few things out of there. The Julie the lady selling it for us called and has a new offer but for less we aren't sure the bank will take it or not. I sure hope so. I do feel it will sell now though since we are ready to move on. I wish we could afford to keep it for Kenny to live there but it is just to costly. It is a white elephant or money pit what ever you want to call it. It needs to much work on it to make it worth our keeping it.

September 13, 1909

September 13th would of been my Grandma's 100th birthday. It was strange but the day was really hard for me I still miss her so much. I can't tell you how many times I catch myself thinking that I need to tell Grandma something, or hearing myself talk or doing something that reminds me of her. Older I get the more I am like her. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of her and the impact that she has had on my life and I still feel the love that we shared. She was my teacher, mentor and best friend. She wasn't always a easy woman I know but for me she was the world.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Great News!!!!

It looks like Robins house in Novi finally sold!!
It will be such a burden off his shoulders. He loved that house but it was taking so much money to keep it insured, taxes and payments. I am happy for him he is happy and you can see the pressure of it lift from him.

Looms and weaving

My husband bought me a beautiful loom now I just need to learn to use it. It has all kinds of attachment to it and things that go with it so I am excited about getting it started. I am trying to wait until I take a class in October but I may not be able wait that long. I will add a photo of it but it is still wrapped up and not fullly assembled.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Betty's open house

Finally its over!! I can't believe how much work went into the whole weekend it started out so simple but I did good and didn't panic until the weekend when people started cancelling. The Family part Saturday was cold and rainy and about 30 less people than I planned on. But Sunday and the open house went great and people she hasn't seen in years since she left the school were there. So all in all it went great. Thank God I had Robin he was my rock.