Thursday, January 21, 2010

House is ready to set

Our house is ready to be set! Here it is coming through White Cloud.

Getting Stuck on the county road.

And taa daa Here it sits until they put it on the basement which is all done ready for the house movers first part of next week. .

Now poor Robins work really begins. He has to hook up the water, furnace and electricity and move all our stuff since I will have a no weight bearing cast for at least 8 weeks. He can do do it I have faith in him.

My surgery is on the 2nd of February and I am starting to freak out, poor Robin. I have had surgeries before but I never was as afraid of going through it as this time. I think the fact my blood pressure won't go under 200 may be worrying me a little. It sure would be nice not to be in pain.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Its Here!!

The house is being delivered as I write this. Now it is just the waiting part for the builder to do the steps and the house being set next week or so. The basement being poured, furnace, electric oh so many things yet and my surgery coming up I don't know when it will all get done.