Friday, November 27, 2009

Be Thankful

Be Thankful
Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don't know something,for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations,because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge,because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you're tired and weary,because it means you've made a difference.
It's easy to be thankful for the good things.A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,and they can become your blessings.

Thanksgiving a day of thanks

Thanksgiving a day we set aside to eat to much, give family members a hard time and tease them and then a big hug. I always have looked at the day as a reminder to take journey through the past year mentally and feel blessed.

My Sisters Barb and Connie, brother in law Joses and brother Dan came to our house along with Mom and Uncle Keith. It was a great meal but mostly it was nice being with my family. I really miss the days when we would have big family picnics and holidays with the cousins and whole family. I plan on trying it again this summer when we are settled in the new place brothers, sister cousin from both sides plus a few friends that are like family.

I do feel bad I didn't get down to Robins folks house I had ours latter because I thought his would be earlier but they were late also so we over lapped. Robin did get to go down so that was good. I didn't so I will spend some time down there this weekend. Of course none of them came down to see us either, that road goes both ways. I felt bad for Robin kinda of like we were setting up two camps. This is going to end with the new house my goal is to get the two families together so we can merge holidays , family dinners etc. together it will be easier on us.

So this Thanksgiving sit back quietly and remember how blessed we are. We often over look our daily blessings. We need to take time out of our busy schedules to sit quietly to take a long walk by our self and just think how blessed we have been in our lives. We all have had our struggles but in the end we survive. We need to learn from these trials but take a lesson from them and move on.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Robin's officially not full of it anymore

Robin had his colonoscopy yesterday in the morning and I had a appt. with my foot doctor. It was a crazy day running from appointment to appointment but we made it!
Robin had two polyps removed but doctor said they looked OK. They are being sent in to be checked but Dr. said they looked OK and he wasn't concerned. But he does need to have it done again in three years. It was weird with Robin being the one ever since we have been together it always had been me as the patient. He kept asking the nurses if they come here often then falling back to sleep. He kept asking everyone for a cup of coffee and telling that two nurses took him in the back and had their way with him. It was better than it could of been you never know what he is going to say.
I went to Dr. Maskill he did x rays of my foot and scheduled me for Feb. 2 for surgery on my left Achilles tendon. Ouch! I hate the thought but if it helps with the pain it will be worth it. With my fibromyalgia acting up I am hurting right now so bad surgery can't be much worse. I just hate the thought of being off my foot so long. This happened in Feb. 2009 and surgery will be Feb 2010 one year of hell with this foot and ankle so maybe it will done then.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What a interesting day

The day started out by Linda showing me a article about eco friendly wool and cotton coffins. Now I just recieved a email that makes a good point " It is hard to understand how a cemetery raised its burial rates and blamed it on the cost of living".
Well at least it is all job related:)

Monday, November 16, 2009


What is this? Last week our furnace went out and Robin finally got it working after working until the middle of the night. Now This weekend Mom's quit on her so she didn't have heat other than her space heater. I hope this isn't a omen of what winter is going to be like.

Uncle Bill called Aunt June is having some medical problems so she is in our thoughts and prayers. He sure lucked out to get such a great lady I really think the world of her.

I had all these great plans for this past weekend and had no time to accomplish any of them. I really wanted to get some weaving done but alas no luck at that either. I did sit down and watch "12 Angry Men" with Henry Fonda Saturday night with Robin. I love that movie no great props or special effects just great actors, story lines and lighting. One of the all time best movies that I often forget about until I watch again.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

One week closer to being in our new house

Robin has worked on getting our permits for our house and things are moving along. I am impatient because I want to be in it NOW but it will happen soon. We are hoping for Christmas.

Last night our furnace quit so I learned to appreciate a good furnace now I am happy Robin is studying them before he decides which one to put in. Burr it was cold, I was worried about my plants I finally have my african violets and banana trees going good again after they got a chill in my kitchen window and started to turn a funky color.

Monday, November 2, 2009

burrrr its cold outside

Snow is in the forecast! I love the snow but I really don't like the cold. I have Reynolds syndrome my hands. feet, nose and ears are all turning white and hurts like the living devil. I have always loved the winter especially Christmas but now with the pain of this and the fybromyalgia I dread it. I am so tired of living in this constant pain. I try not to talk about it but it hurts so damn bad! It hurts to stay in bed it hurts to move and the medication they give me just makes me jumpy and irritable. I have problems driving with my hands going numb, it is difficult to drive and not feel the pedals on the car or if you do feel them it hurts to use them. Getting to work not being able to put the key in the lock due to numb fingers then typing with fingers, hands and wrists that hurt like living hell just makes me dread winter this year. Robin trys to understand but I know he has no clue the levels of pain I have. But you just have to learn to live with and try not let it beat you.